Imagine feeling like your body is perfect just the way it is.
Imagine being in a bathhouse. The light is low, the air warm and moist. All around you, women go about their business, in the nude. Your own naked body is comfortable here, because this sensual, communal experience of bathing is the normal routine. Everyone absorbed in caring for their bodies: washing, rinsing, shaving, massaging scented oils into their skin. Of course, there are girls, grandmothers, young women, mature women, mothers round with life.
You see broad bodies and slim, lush curves and lean muscle, all shapes and sizes.
You see long and short and thick and thin torsos, sleek and queenly and plump asses, wide and narrow hips, long thick legs and short thin legs.
You see walking feet and dancing hands, each one unique.
All around you necks and shoulders bend, cheeks and eyebrows and lips and eyes speak, none alike.
You absorb the myriad textures and colours of women’s skin, and that of the hair on their body.
You see dimpled flesh, creases, folds, moles, wrinkles, rolls, birthmarks, stretch marks, curves, scars, tattoos, veins, nails, bones.
You are surrounded by breasts, all so different! Long, round, flat, oval, uneven, heavy as eggplants or tiny as kumquats, nipples delicate, pink and puckered or long, brown and luscious, pointing down or out or up, areolas flat or puffy, smooth or peppled, large as saucers or dark as pennies.
Here, in this place, normal, working, laughing women breathe and live, and each one has a sacred space between her thighs. Every woman embodies feminine beauty in all its divine diversity. Each woman is perfectly imperfect and absolutely magnificent.
Now, imagine living in a world where no one taught you that one body was better than the other – better than yours… A world where you are not alone in your nakedness, comparing your body to manipulated, unreal images of women (because no woman on earth wakes up looking like a model, not even a model!).
Imagine feeling like your body is perfect just the way it is. Your height, weight, age, shape, your belly, your breasts, every inch of your flesh, sacred and perfect. Imagine moving in the world and feeling at home in this body. Lovely. Powerful.
Imagine knowing that you are not alone, that every woman on this planet has a unique, perfectly imperfect beauty, and that you are one of them. What would you do, knowing this?
Are you curious to see real breasts in a non-sexual, body-positive way? Check out the galleries on this site and prepare to be awed: http://www.007b.com/breast_gallery_A.php
Pingback:Body Love: Real Women are 3D
Posted at 15:43h, 23 February[…] Our psyches are flooded with images. So many flat, photoshopped images of women twisted in flattering poses. 2D images. And what happens when we see our own bodies, in isolation, in mirrors, flat reflections of our bodies, un-posed, un-photoshopped? We can’t compete with those images. Of course we can never, ever measure up. EVER. Because we are not those images. Because we are not an image, period. We are 3D. We are flesh and blood and bone, beating hearts, bellies, lungs, sexes, arms that enfold, legs that run. We are real, and magnificently imperfect. All of us. Sisters. […]