I think every woman originally moves like that. – IRIS PARKER

How many women can say that they feel really good in their bodies? Can you enjoy simply being in your body? Can you enjoy your breath expanding your rib cage, the caress of your hair on your face, the delicious stretch of your hips sliding, your spine spiraling, the pleasure of your muscles flexing, the sensual glide of your hands on your neck? Can you feel good moving your limbs without thinking of performance or of how you look to others?

How many of us can just savor being present while we move our beautiful feminine body? How many of us move, not to reach a fitness or weight goal, not in service of others, and not to make a man desire us, but just to enjoy the juiciness of being in this gorgeous body of ours?  So many women have never felt that or forgotten the sensation.

We learn to focus on how our bodies look, but not how we feel in them.

We move around our life, thinking, doing, very much disconnected from our sensual bodies. And then it can be really difficult to turn on our bodies when we want to have fun or when we want to get sexual. Or maybe we are so disconnected that we don’t even want to go there.

Spine BW by Jairo Alzate WEBOur culture has taught women to look sexy – that you need to look a certain way to be seen as sexy. We rarely learn how to feel sexy and sensual, from the inside.

We women have been taught to shut down the more feminine, powerful parts of us.

Often, our bodies are frozen in shame.  We’re caged.  We’ve internalized an invisible straightjacket: don’t move like that, be ‘proper’.

Our spine loses its fluidity.  We become cut off from our pelvic bowl, our foundation.  We learn to ignore and condemn our bodies between our collarbones and our knees.

How many women love their breasts, their bellies, their thighs?

SENSUAL MOVEMENT Sefanna WEBWhat if we could uncoil our sensuality through movement?  Simply to feel good.

Purely for the pleasure of feeling our feminine essence move in us.

Just for the joy of embodying this playful, ferocious, wild part of us.

Woman’s sexuality is wholesome when we embrace and celebrate every part of ourselves, body and soul.

Women are sexual beings, ans sensual movement feeds us on an elemental level. It nourishes our feminine essence.

As women, we need to reconnect with and honor and play with that part of ourselves.  I believe it can transform us, and make the world more whole.It can make the world a more beautiful place to be, inside and out.

That’s why I’ve created Essensualité, a form of joyful, sensual movement that lets women awaken and feel the juicy feminine essence in their bodies: so that more and more women can bring their whole, beautiful selves to this world.

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  • Pingback:Body Love: Real Women are 3D
    Posted at 15:48h, 23 February Reply

    […] I reconnect with my beauty every time I practice sensual dance.  I’ve stopped worrying about what other people will think. I am a goddess. Right off the bat, I […]

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